July 28, 2011

July 27, 2011

July 16, 2011

I was sitting alone in my wagon-lit compartment when a more than usually violent jolt of the train swung back the door of the adjoining washing-cabinet, and an elderly gentleman in a dressing-gown and a traveling cap came in. I assumed that in leaving the washing-cabinet, which lay between the two compartments, he had taken the wrong direction and come into my compartment by mistake. Jumping up with the intention of putting him right, I at once realized to my dismay that the intruder was nothing but my own reflection in the looking-glass on the open door. I can still recollect that I thoroughly disliked his appearance. Instead, therefore, of being frightened by...[my] 'double'...I simply failed to recognize...[it] as such. Is it not possible, though, that [my] dislike of [it] was a vestigial trace of the archaic reaction which feels the 'double' to be something uncanny? (U 248).
she used to "cover her eyes with her hands - not even the world of images could get through, since all of her anxiety was projected onto them, transforming them into terrifying symbols" (S 151).

July 15, 2011

This phrase seriously won't get out of my brain.

July 14, 2011

So I'm working on a book project about haunted spaces in and around Los Angeles. I’m not necessarily looking for somewhere haunted by the undead; rather, I’m interested in spaces that, when you pass by, go inside of, or even think of, remind you of a specific event/memory/person/etc. This project is about documenting lingering personal hauntings within Los Angeles that affect its residents. All material will be attained via personal experience and the stories of friends, relatives and strangers.

If you'd like to participate, please send the address (or details regarding how to get there) and a little note about your experience with this space to hauntedspacesla@gmail.com. Any help at all is truly appreciated, and you will be contacted by me personally if your space is used in the project.

Examples of the type of thing I'm looking for:

- a school across the street from an old lover's house who loved waking up to the sound of children playing

- the empty panels on the side of the la river that used to be covered with a memorial for someone who died on the 5 there

This is a super basic cover idea I've been working with (though it may just be plain text, no images, and will definitely be in more of a "zine" than "book" format, but this seems a weird application of the word zine):

& here are a few example images, which for not are just off of Google Maps Street View and are a possible indication of what I'd like to do with them:

hauntedspacesla.blogspot.org will go up once I start taking and playing with imagery and text, layouts, etc. My hope is that this project will be ongoing and possibly result in more work than just this book - larger photos, an interactive map of some sort - and that all media will be easily and cheaply disseminated.

Also, if you'd like more about my work, please visit www.artemisaclark.com.